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Hotflusheddry skin confusion forgetfulness seeing things or hearing voices that do not existhallucinatingunsteadiness coma anxiety excessive tiredness difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep excitement inappropriate mood muscle weakness rapid or pounding heartbeat fainting hives skin rash itching difficulty breathing or swallowing.
You should stop using dicyclomine and call your doctor right away if you have serious side effects such as confusionhallucinationsunusual thoughts or behaviorfast or uneven heart rateor if you urinate less than usual or not at all.
Dicyclominecommonly sold under the brand name Bentylis an anti-cholinergic drug used to treat symptoms of irritable bowel syndromeIBS
Overdose symptoms may include nauseavomitingdilated pupilsweakness or loss of movement in any part of your bodytrouble swallowingfaintingor seizureconvulsions
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the retail price of bentyl is somewhat expensive no matter the format, often between 100 and 140 per month.