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I have been reading about the cactusHoodia gordoniiand its ability to curb the appetite for weight lossIs it safe?
Almost ninety percent of Hoodia Gordonii users are of the belief that it has no side effects at all on the bodywhich is true to some extentbut not absolutelyThere are two reasons behind thisThe first one is that its side effects do not show up or are not detected quicklyunlike caffeine in green tea and other stimulants found in other appetite suppressantsSecondeven if some people know about itthey tend to ignore it and are just overwhelmed by the weight reducing effects of hoodia and the fact that it is in such high fashion todayYou take it and you fall in the same line with Britney Spears!
It is a succulentfleshy cactus-like plant of the Asclepiad familywhich is an original inhabitant of the Kalahari desert in AfricaAmong its many varietiesHoodia Gordonii is the most popular because its extracts suppress hunger and effectively help reduce weight and fat percentageIt is available on the market in many formsincluding pillscapsulesjuicecomplexeschewsdiet supplementsand even lollipops.
CUse with caution if benefits outweigh risksAnimal studies show risk and human studies not available or neither animal nor human studies done.
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